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I did 33 tabs of acid a day for a week – here’s what happened to my mind

5 min read
homer simpson with his tongue sticking out tripping acid.

Peace at last

When I was younger (too young), I had friends, which bedeviled me for years. I was later prone to trusting people that left me with nothing but associates. For these reasons, I have worked hard over the years to harden my heart and mind and have not had an issue for a gratifyingly long time. That, I believe, is thanks to Lysergic Acid.

What is Lysergic Acid?

The name is a good indication of what this drug involves. Put a tab under your tongue, don’t swallow, stretch your legs out, put on some Credence Clearwater Revival, and imagine you’re a dragon time-traveling through the periphery. Picture the beloved Virgin Mary, as her radiance brings light into the world. This is the best way to avoid a bad trip.

Other names: 6-Methyl-9,10-didehydroergoline-8-carboxylic acid
Lysergic Acid Chemical Structure

What does Lysergic Acid do?

This is a surprisingly wide-ranging drug. It contains THC (weed), meth (yikes), and speed (double yikes). Let’s start with the Peak: about 30-90 minutes after taking a tab, your 3rd eye will start to open and you will feel like you’re about to die from pleasure (Euphoria). Many hidden anomalies in the divine matrix will begin to appear such as ley lines, talking bushes, and appreciation for music from the 1970s.

One of its many functions is aiding in depression, because it resets the mind back to when you were young – this is a great drug for overall mental health, increasingly important after everyone lost their minds due to COVID-69.

What surprised me was how much the drug worked my Pineal Gland, the gland in the center of the brain shaped like a pine-cone that is responsible for creating images in your head when you think. The Pineal Gland gets a lot of attention from the government, as they tend to put fluoride in the drinking water to reduce people’s visual processing and visualization skills through calcification. They help keep retail and service industries staffed.

In short, the administration of very small doses of Delysid (1/2-2 ug./kg. body weight) results in transitory disturbances of affect, hallucinations, depersonalization, reliving of repressed memories, and mild neuro-vegetative symptoms. The effect sets in after 30 to 90 minutes and generally lasts 5 to 12 hours. However, intermittent disturbances of affect may occasionally persist for several days.

How to do Acid

I advise you to use a trip sitter or do it in the forest by yourself. I first tried it in a crack-den in North Australia but found it too uncomfortable. Eat beforehand and stay hydrated. Don’t worry if you don’t start tripping immediately, they didn’t give you duds. Don’t bang the chemical around or expose to heat because it will literally shatter the molecule like a liberal snowflake seeing a white guy win 1st place at the Olympics.

Inhale a bit of weed and raise your vibration as high as possible, keeping all seven chakra points inside the vehicle at all times. You may not be able to control them, but do try. Again, don’t let this bother you. Try to raise your kundalini from the root. You should be engaging your perception, distinguishing energy that was unseen before.

Remember this moment, breathing normally, then slowly lower your crown to the ground. Those are ley lines looking at you. Aim for 33 tabs a day for a week.

I did 33 tabs of acid for a week and this is what happened

Day one is when I learn, usually to my disappointment, my ego is too big. At first, I found it hard to be humble, but it was worth the effort. Do not give in to the temptation of a bad trip. Did Aldous Huxley do this when he tripped? No, he did not. Also, doing so means you are not working your prana, chakras, or kundalini effectively, so you might as well just be drinking booze, like sheep. I managed 33 tabs, feeling the divine matrix mostly in my lower neck.

Day two was a repeat of one, though my breathing was better. The chief drawback with this drug is it makes everything taste like cardboard, so you may want to eat beforehand. Don’t eat meat, trust me (You will hear the animals cry). That said, I tend to find the first two days of these week-long tests the least satisfactory.

On day three I noticed a marked improvement. My ego was better; I could raise people up slightly higher by focusing on their needs, and felt my attention span and creativity improve. My hands were hands, too. I took 33 tabs and jumped out the window. I felt like I could fly. Luckily, I was on the first floor.

On day four I noticed the effects more in my spirit guide than in myself, which made me feel like my mind was sharing the load properly. As I looked down at my hands, they were still hands. Watch for this, because sometimes your hands will turn into crab claws when you trip. Aim to stay positive. Also, try to speak with some pansies.

By day five I didn’t even have to think twice about taking acid. I managed 35 tabs but then my dog came in and looked like Cujo, but with Bruce Jenner’s face. Session over.

anamorph of a human with a dog's face
Yeah, no

Day Six brought a new sensation: psychic powers. I felt like I could smell people’s demons. I felt powerful in my external body, as if I had finally woken up the Christ force, or, more accurately, as if I was learning to properly invoke it.

By day seven, I did not feel comfortable due to the overwhelmingly demonic presence across the United States. It’s as if 90% of the population is possessed by demons.

There are several benefits to this drug. The first is that is separates the wheat from the chaff (weak minded people cannot handle acid). It is also mind opening, requires no equipment, and does change the way you perceive reality. It won’t wear you out but it will work a range of frequencies to aid your depression and help prevent arrogance.

The one disincentive is that it makes everything taste like cardboard; and you will hear animals cry if you eat them while tripping. But it works. You will never be able to look at The World the same way again.

Written by: Lewis Carroll

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