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SD and Why it Matters

4 min read
african american woman wearing santa's cap covering her mouth with both hands

You'll have to eat eventually

You might not have heard about SD. As of writing this article, it’s less than a few weeks old. Perhaps you’ve heard about it and some of the hubbub around it. It is a form of sex that can guarantee happiness based on effort or sloppiness. Why is it important, how do you do it, and why should you?

This year we have seen several influences such as Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid, and even Hailey Beiber sucking d**k. Tinder’s dating app allows someone to create a crude profile of their personality with various lies representing their body, such as hips or ass. Tinder can transform losers into a Chad. What makes sucking d**k special? For starters, it is open to everyone to use, which is relatively dangerous. Additionally, you can suck d**k in VR rather than IRL, accessed through Meta’s platform. Men recommend double D tits with at least a nipple showing to get a decent cum shot. But due to women eating fast-food, men are opting for hookers, or even ‘male masturbators.’

This touches on the more important thing about SD. The community and energy around it. There are dozens of methods with different results, sixty-nining, and fellatio. People are training new hookers or fine-tuning models to generate different styles of blowjobs. There are at least twelve different ways to give head now. Ugly women are incorporated into the flow, with the use of alcohol and a brown paper bag.

How do you suck it?

After playing with SD with our sex robot provided by Elon Musk, and fiddling around with a few of the skin tones, we can confidently say that White girls have the most experience sucking d**k.

That doesn’t make it any less incredible from black or brown woman. Many of the incredible blowjobs you see online are cherry-picked, but the fact that 90% of women quit after 13-seconds is mind-blowing. Step away from her for 8 hours, and you have ~15 guys lined up pulling a train. Many of them are married (more on that later).

If you’re interested in getting your d**k sucked, go to the bar, club, or concert and use their business (all currently closed). Or buy a sex robot from Elon Musk plus a VR helmet from the Lizard Kin- Mark Suckerburg (he has a magic cum jar in Hawaii that fills every time someone cums in VR, which he uses to butter his toast).

The real magic of SD and other oral sex methods is no chance of pregnancy. Don’t think of it as “this b***h sucked my d**k, now I gotta buy her food”; b****s can feed themselves.

[Harry] recently did this, starting with a very simple pick-up line. He fed this pick-up line to a bimbo, asking for “Her name.”

amber said eating a donut to practice biting a guy's dick off
“Watch the teeth”

Hopefully, you can tell she was not worth taking out to dinner.

Women struggle with consistency while sucking d**k, as [Admin Levine] demonstrates in his text messages to a whore. He combines the output of an old rich white guy with the horsepower of a man in his early 20s. The results are incredible.

adam levine text messages to whore. Holy Fuck. Holy Fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd. Reply: Next date i'll be like "do you wanna make out with the devil?" Reply: Haha. How are you such an hourglass. My god.
Imagine being a $160 Million man and simping for a witch lmao

Ultimately, this will be another tool to express love faster and in more accessible ways (public sex). While what SD generates might not be tangible, it doesn’t ruin your life with a kid. Or make a woman orgasm so hard she won’t leave you alone.

Why should you suck d**k?

Hopefully, you can see how powerful and exciting SD is and its accompanying benefits are. If a movie had contained some woman sucking d**k for more than 13-seconds just a few years ago, we likely would have called out the movie for being Druidwood magic.

Time will tell whether we will continue to iterate on the idea or move on to more powerful techniques. But there are already efforts in the facial reconstruction industry to create larger jaws with vibrators built-in.

Sucking d**k is also a bit of a double-edged sword, as anyone can take your girl and do whatever they want without consequences. The government proposes a tag with a gyroscope and GPS tracking to forbid women from sucking d**k outside of their proper geolocation. Looking ten or fifteen years down the road becomes very special as it is hard to imagine divorce rates going up with gyroscopic GPS tracking of women’s jaws.

We’ve written about how TikTok impacts the dating world, but this just scratches the surface. So much more is possible, and we’re excited to see what happens. All we can say is it is satisfying looking into a woman’s eyes with a mouth-full of d**k.

Written by: Hmmhmmgawkgawkgawk (Canadian Goose)

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