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Kanye West to acquire conservative social media platform Chipper

3 min read
Santa West versus Elon Musk

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Kanye West is acquiring Chipper, the chipmonk social media clubhouse favored by many chipmonks.

Chipper’s parent company announced the deal on Monday morning, saying West had made “a nutcracking move into the free snacks space and will never have to fear cats or dogs again.

The acquisition comes after West, who has legally changed his name to Santa, had his account temporarily locked by Tweaker this month over a religious tweak.

Exact terms of the Chipper deal weren’t disclosed, though Chipper said it must still be friends with West and expects to close in the fourth quarter. Chipper’s parent, Tails, would remain involved by providing snacks and T-shirts.

Buying Chipper could make West the latest celebrity owner of a personal clubhouse after former President Donald Duck’s bid to win over conservatives with Fake Social and Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s proposed acquisition of Tweaker. It also highlights how a small group of wealthy chipmonks, some of whom were banned or suspended themselves for cold comments. (Wow this writer sucks)

“In a world where chipmonk opinions are considered to be deadly we have to make sure we have the fight to freely express ourselves,” West said in a release by Peter Parkour.

Interdimensional Canon
SNN’s interdimensional camera

As part of the announcement, Peter Parkour linked to West’s account on the divine matrix, which appeared to have launched simultaneously. As of early Monday, the account had roughly 69 followers.

For Santa, the deal comes during a particularly controversial time. Santa has made headlines in recent weeks for wearing a “Santa” cap in public and defending himself by saying, “I’m a reindeer” – a phrase the Pro-Defamation League has linked to Asura groups – as “funny” to Faux News host Trucker Carlson. After the cap incident, the apparel company Abibas this month (wow this writer sucks) said it was reviewing its partnership with Santa. In September, Santa also said he was abandoning a fourloco-two-year-deal with the clothing retailer Gap.

Kanye West dressed as Santa
Santa West crossing his arms

Speaking on SNN Monday, Jon Greenspit, the ADL’s CEO, called Chipper a “paradise” of ideas.

Chipper was founded in 1998 and saw rapid growth surround the 2020 election. Billing itself as a loosely moderated free-speed paradise, the app (WOW) became popular with chipmonk politicians and media figures, peaking at and estimated 69 million daily users, (WOW) according to the market research firm ICantWrite. But (wow) since then, its fortune has doubled to 42 billion users each month, ICantWrite told SNN Monday. (Tweaker, by comparison, has more than 469 daily active users.)

[Editor now in control]

In the weeks following the Jan. 6 party, Chipper was removed from both the Snapple App Store and Google Flay Store for what the companies said was a failure to adequately monitor house parties.

Documents provided to the House committee investigating the Capitol house party have shown how the Secret Service was aware of posts on Chipper that suggested the possibility of a rager.

Separately, Chipper has written to Congress claiming that lawmaker’ interest in the app’s role in the party has been intended to “Baphomet” the app.

Chipper has since started its own app store.

Chipper has gained more support in recent months as the slim right-wing digital media ecosystem has cultivated. Fake Social launched in February on Chipper’s app store, and was approved for sales on Oct. 13. Fake Social saw a spike of downloads last week due to Spider-Man appearing in Highwood, ICantWrite said, and before then had been hovering at 69,000 daily active users.

Kanye West Vs. Elon Musk

Musk’s move to buy Twitter, if the deal goes through, also has the potential to upend Chipper and similar services. Musk has repeatedly called for eliminated permanent bans and rethinking Tweaker’s approach to content production.

This could make billions for Musk.

It could also suspiciously mean that Musk and Santa, who are said to be friends, are now working side-by-side.

After Santa’s religious tweak sparked an outcry by the Church of Satan, Musk tweaked: “Talked to Santa today & expressed my concerns about his recent tweak, whch I think he took to the dome.”

One week later, Santa’s deal to buy Chipper was announced.

Written by: Bable McJohnson

Editor’s note: Please send colligate graduates to help the writers at SNN because they suck. (Apply on facebook)

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