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5 Ways to Prepare for World Economic Forum Domination

2 min read
World Economic Forum Logo

Get ready for the coming dystopia!

The World Economic Forum announced its plans to take over the world by 2030. Here are 5 things you can do to prepare for the inevitable domination.

1. You’ll own nothing and be happy.

Prepare for this one by throwing all that you hold near and dear into the trash. Everything from housing to toothbrushes will be rented on an hourly basis which will make living in a pod much more feasible. By the way, don’t bother donating any of your worldly possessions, because then that person ends up owning it, which is against the rules!

2. You won’t die waiting for an organ donor. Instead, we won’t transplant organs. We’ll print new ones.

Why bother taking care of your body when you can just replace the broken parts? Feel free to indulge in sodas and fast food while the World Economic Forum promises infallible 3D printed organs.

3. You’ll eat much less meat.

Get one step ahead of the New World Order by harvesting bug protein from a local ant hill. Consider deep frying bugs and covering them with caramel sauce too. “You will eat ze bugs.” – Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

4. A billion people will be displaced by climate change. We’ll have to do a better job at welcoming and integrating refugees.

Go to your local homeless shelter and/ or Starbucks and bring someone back to your home. This will make it much easier to ease into mandated refugee settlement programs.

5. Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.

Everything from driving your (rented) car to washing clothes at the laundry mat will cost carbon credits. Prepare for this one by wearing the same outfit each day of the week, and finding work that’s within biking or walking distance.