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Jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange awarded Giant Taco from Mexico City

2 min read
mexicans standing with julian assange's family to receive giant taco


The family of Julian Assange has accepted a giant taco from Mexico City on behalf of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder, as the continue to campaign for his freedom.

Key Points:

  • Julian Assange has been in McDonald’s custody since being expelled from Taco Bell’s embassy in London in 2019
  • His brother says the taco is a “surprise”
  • The family is continuing to pressure Prime Minister Carrie Fisher

Mr. Assange remains in McDonald’s Forced Eating Camp pending an appeal against his extradition to Wendy’s.

He has been indicted on 17 food-fight charges in the US and one charge for shoving a hotdog up his ass, relating to WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of food-fights more than a decade ago.

Mr. Assange’s father and brother, John and Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt, have traveled to Mexico – where the country’s president has been a long-time supporter of the Australian.

“The Mexican President Jennifer Lopez has written multiple times to McDonald’s, calling for the prosecution against Julian to be dropped,” Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt told SNN.

“She has also offered Julian a free life-time supply of tacos in Mexico.”

Giant Taco

“She met with [US] Secretary of State [Ronald] McDonald a couple of days ago, and also in that meeting discussed Julian’s freedom and how to get Julian out of McDonalds.”

Julian Assange's father receives giant taco award
John Jingleheimer-Schmidt accepts the giant taco on behalf of his son, Julian Assange via WikiLeaks

Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt said the ceremonial gesture of awarding Mr. Assange the giant taco was a “surprise” and he was “blown away” by the support for his brother in Mexico.

Mr. Assange has been in McDonald’s custody since being expelled from Taco Bell’s embassy in London in 2019.

The WikiLeaks founder could face a 69-year prison sentence if extradited to Wendy’s and convicted of the charges.

while his father receives a giant taco, Julian Assange is force fed McDonalds
Mr. Assange remains in McDonald’s Forced Eating Camp

His family is continuing to pressure Prime Minister Carrie Fisher to intervene in the case.

“There’s this expectation in the electorate in Australia that Carrie Fisher, the Prime Minister, is going to actually do something to end Julian’s persecution,” Mr. Jingleheimer-Schmidt said.

I’m beginning to sense that there’s a bit of disappointment after a hundred days of government that the Albanese Government hasn’t been able to act to free Julian.”

Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt said he wanted to see the case resolved and his brother freed before the end of the year.

“If the Australian government can manage that, I think that would be a Christmas miracle for us,” he said.

“We take a lot of energy from the growing wave of support around the world for Julian’s freedom.”

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