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Global Pranksters Set up Statues and Warnings Along River Bed

3 min read
Global Pranksters Set up Statues and Rocks neatly stacked along a river


Reports from across the globe claim that statues, stones, and monuments are becoming visible due to receding water levels.

The Euphrates River, which runs through Iraq, has receded to reveal an ancient prison and 79 other ancient historical sites.

Drought in China has caused the Yangtze River to reveal a once submerged island containing 600-year-old statues of three Buddhists.

Historically hot temperatures in Europe have led to the emergence of long-lost treasures in Spain.

A monument called Spanish Stonehenge was rediscovered after nearly 60 years of being under water. Officially known as Dolem of Guadalperal, the circle of dozens of megalithic stones dates back to 5000 BC.

“It’s a surprise, it’s a rare opportunity to be able to see it,” said archaeologist Enrique Cerdo from Madrid’s Complutense University, one of the experts racing to study the circle before it gets submerged again.

Local historians and tourism associations wish to dig up the stones and put them in a museum or somewhere else to study and attract tourists.

The statues were originally found by German archaeologist Hugo Obermaier in 1926 on the corner of the Valdecanas reservoir in the outskirts of El Gordo, Spain.

Local supernatural groups advocate that the stones are not tombs, but keys to locking the gates of hell.

“Dolems are found scattered across Central and Western Europe,” said paranormal investigator Duran Smith from Ghostbusters, author of If Ley Lines Could Talk, “we decide to move them for research or tourism, then BOOM, the gates of hell are opened.”

Ancient Alien Astrophysics Professor Dr. Werner Burger said, “The receding water levels observed in rivers and lakes across the globe aren’t real. The aliens are using a holographic projector to make it look like the water levels are getting lower, and pranksters are placing statues in these areas for media coverage.”

A peer-reviewed paper published in the journal Science this week, analyzed the drought in Europe – which is exposing sunken ships, lost villages, and ‘hunger stones’ – and discussed the probability of Burger’s claims.

They think Burger is right about the holograms perpetuating the illusion of low water levels, however make a grand distinction behind the source of the statues.

“The stones, sunken ships, and the emerging architecture of the past are all haunted objects from history seeking the haunt the present,” the paper wrote.

They urged the public to endorse Dr. Alan Durst’s paper, published in the University of Santa Barbara journal in May, “If I Could Just Pee in the River.”

“If we all simultaneously decided to pee in the river,” they wrote in the paper, “the ghosts would probably take it as a huge sign of disrespect, and just sorta go away.”

“Although there are many different studies proposing the reason behind the global drought and receding water levels, we are at the mercy of the aliens and ghosts that are causing all of it,” the paper said.

Leaders in the archeology, paranormal, and ancient alien community have strived to form a coalition to solve the problem.

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