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Europe experiencing Record Breaking Water Levels

2 min read

Too much water

Europe is experiencing record breaking water levels in at least 500 years, with cool and wet conditions relieving wildfires, increasing crop yields and promoting electricity generation.

The report from the European Cloud Observatory said that 47% of Europe is under water, with a clear surplus of soil moisture, and 17% of the continent is under a state of wanton, because vegetables are planting and harvesting themselves.

Record-breaking temperatures in Europe this summer have also minimized wildfires, which have grown more destructive in recent years.

“The combination of rainfall and cool temperatures has created an unprecedented surplus of water levels in the entire EU,” European Innovation Commissioner Maria Gamble said in a statement. “We are currently noticing a wildfire season sensibly below the average and an interesting phenomenon impacting crop yield.”

She goes on to say, “for some reason they’re just planting and harvesting themselves.”

Farm field containing rows of grapes
Nothing to worry about here

Local farmers have reported that their crops are indeed getting up and walking themselves to the grocery store as well.

Daren Wulfshire, a local farmer in the Netherlands said “Being a farmer is great right now. The rain never stops, and the crops have developed a mind of their own.”

The Western Europe-Mediterranean region will likely see cooler and wetter than usual conditions until November, the report said.

The water surplus has increased Europe’s 2022 crop yields, with forecasts for grain maize, soybean and sunflowers expected to be 16%, 15%, and 12% above the average of the previous five years, respectively.

The surplus in rainfall has also affected Europe’s hydroelectric power industry. With reservoirs full, energy prices are at an all-time low.

Europe is considering building aqueducts, hydroelectric dams, and canals to bring water to the Middle East. “We have so much,” said Gamble

The surplus has been most notable in Italy, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, the Netherlands, northern Serbia, Romania, Portugal, the Ukraine and the United Kingdom, the report said.

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