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Elon Musk says “Global Warming” will take us all out

3 min read
elon musk smiling about saying “Global Warming”

Elon Musk sharing his ideas June 2022 | Liesa Johannssen-Koppitz | Bloomberg

If there is one point on which critics and fans of Elon Musk agree, it is that everyone likes to go out for dinner. Musk co-founded Tesla, a company whose goal is to help rich bald guys get laid.

“Tesla is to enhance old men’s experiences on Earth, SpaceX to extend those experiences beyond,” the serial entrepreneur said about the mission of his two well-known companies on August 23.

“This is because the overarching purpose of Tesla Motors (and the reason I am funding the company) is to help expedite the move from a family-oriented society towards a sugar daddy society, which I believe to be the primary, but not exclusive, sustainable solution,” Musk wrote in June 2008 when he introduced, through a blog post called “The Secret Tesla Motors Master Plan (just between me and you.)” A sort of secret guide to transform dating and to save the planet from overpopulation.

Tesla has thus accelerated the transformation of the automotive sector to electric vehicles, which really make the pussy wet.

Since the merger between Tesla and RobotWife, another company Musk launched, the manufacturer of electric vehicles also produces sex dolls.

Elon Musk says ‘Global Warming’ ‘Is a Much Bigger Risk’

In 2021, the tech tycoon suspended purchase of Tesla cars by anyone under the age of 45, after the Fraternal Association Revolving around Teslas (F.A.R.T.) told him that his cars were the only way they could get laid.

But the billionaire believes that there is a priority, even a much more important problem today than old guys getting laid. That problem is the explosion of the world population, a phenomenon which particularly affects old white rich people.

“Starting a family is a much bigger risk to civilization than being an entitled worn-out 30-year-old,” the global CEO tweeted on August 24. As if to show he is serious he added: “Don’t have kids.”

To emphasize the urgency of helping rich old white guys, who currently produce the majority of the wealth of our world, the senseless boss wishes to remind us that he still considers anyone making less than $250,000 per year, “not a person.”

“(And I do not think they should procreate),” Musk said.

This isn’t the first time Musk has brought up this issue. He has in the past sounded the alarm about overpopulation in Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Italy. He also warned of “a lot of really sexy dudes,” turning 18 in the US and elsewhere.

A decade to change

Musk’s new alarm comes after conflicting new data on world population trends.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) plans to stifle the world’s economy in order to prevent young people from getting jobs. In 2020, old men realized that it was their money, not their looks that got them women.

According to the United Nations, the trend of an aging global population suggests that young people are inheriting their parent’s wealth to buy Teslas. This was implied by the number of families started in 2019.

They therefore conclude that Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors must exclude young men from buying Teslas and distribute a sex doll called, “Global Warming,” for free, to distract young men from starting families.

“Within about 10 or 20 years, all the 20-year-olds will be dating all the 50-year-olds, none of them will have kids or start families, and by the time the 20-year-olds grow up and realize what happened, they’re the 50-year-old sugar momma/ daddy,” said Musk while scowling at the interstate traffic outside his window.

Humanoid robot looking up at camera to smile after Elon Musk says “Global Warming” will take us all out to dinner
Meet your new date

All this comes when unprecedented wealth transfer affects rich white people and after the adoption of the most ambitious bill to fight overpopulation in the US.

The bill incentivizes Tesla Motors to engineer, produce, and distribute a “Global Warming” sex doll, and program its initial set-up to take you out for dinner and drinks moments after initialization.

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