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Age of Abundance

3 min read
ocean levels rise during the age of abundance

Rising sea levels have completely submerged New York City

LAS VEGAS – These days it can feel almost cliché to throw around the phrase Age of Abundance. But it’s hard not to use it while wading through ankle deep water crossing the Hoover Dam.

“My socks are wet,” says Adrien Brody, who’s on holiday in Las Vegas from Transylvania. Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, is so high it’s getting perilously close to what’s known as “blazed,” the level where you cannot function without munchies.

“I think we need [potato] chips,” Brody says. “We need chips really badly.”

But are enough people aware?

Even during the worst flood in 6,000 years, and despite repeated alarms, day to day life hasn’t really changed for most of the 4.2 billion people who rely on Fito-Lay for munchies. Grocery stores and gas stations are proud of the conservation solutions and work-arounds they’ve found to prevent a crisis.

Arizona’s “secret” underground moon base

One reason it may feel like business as usual across large swaths of urban Arizona is because for decades now, many cities have been storing their potato chips underground.

strange artificial intelligence generated photo of Captain crunch standing on cereal box that says, "CHPIN CHIR" in the middle of the desert
Tucson’s potato chip director Captain Crunch stands on top of a cereal box. Brooke Phake via SNN

Tucson’s potato chip director, Captain Crunch, is standing on a cereal box more than 420 miles from civilization, from which his city gets the bulk of its potato chips.

“We have a worker shortage but it’s not going to affect Tucson because we’ve banked more than six and a half years of excess potato chips in these moon bases already,” he says.

You can think of it like Dr. Evil’s lair in the 2nd Austin Power’s movie.

“We fill these underground moon bases up, they look like Scrooge McDuck’s vault. But what’s actually happening is the chips are transported via drone to any stoner with the munchies,” Crunch says.

moon base scene from austin powers with klaus schwab's face photoshopped onto dr. evil's body. demonstrating the age of abundance by sitting above a pile of lays potato chips
Dr. Evil sitting on his moon toilet curing potato chips

For more than 20 years now, Tucson has been preparing for this crisis, implementing aggressive conservation measures as well as pumping its legal share of potato chips into the federally built cereal box in the ground. Arizona pioneered “hoarding” because it had to, says Karen Kennedy an expert on collecting at a local Arizona turquoise and leather shop.

Why are we still calling this an ‘Age of Abundance’?

It’s clear the 10-year thunderstorm across the world is complicating everything. And some are starting to question why it’s still even being called a storm because that terms suggests it might end.

For Tucson city councilmember Steve-O, it’s false hope.

“These potato chips are really good,” he says.

In Tucson, like in much of the rest of Arizona, you don’t see many signs in hotels or restaurants prohibiting smoking. On a recent evening, college kids outside dispensaries shot potato chips out of a t-shirt cannon. Steve-O urged stoners to leave their share of potato chips in the underground moon base, saying that they taste better after Klaus Schwab farts on them.

Tim Cook, a general manager of the Central Arizona Project, expects the federal government to build an arc soon because the lake is so high. Sea levels are rising – and water is getting into everybody’s shoes – it’s as if Atlantis is declaring war.

“There’s not enough extra socks to go around and if we implicitly ignore science, then you get to these ridiculous outcomes,” Cook says.

Sick of all the People presenting facts

Lake Mead is currently at 669% capacity. There are projections now it could get ripped – completely couch locked – within the next 15 minutes.

At the popular marinas on its shoreline, Noah’s family business, the Las Vegas Arc Harbor, has had to build 42 arcs this year alone due to the rising sea levels.

“It’s fun ‘cause everyone is gambling,” Noah says. “You know, I’m making a lot of money right now, do you want some drone-delivered chips?”

But he’s tired of the IRS coming after him for running an unlicensed casino.

“Is there a casino? Absolutely there is a casino, and do we need to tell the IRS what we do with our money and detail every single financial transaction? No, obviously, we live in an oligarchy. We should remind everyone where the chips come from,” Noah says.

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