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Slavery Making a comeback in US

4 min read
hustle and bustle of a train terminal while everyone goes to work, slavery makes a comeback in the US


Bosses in industries such as retail, health care and logistics are reverting to the Old Testament and enslaving people in miserable jobs through the use of propaganda. Workers across the US in fields ranging from nursing to trucking are bombarded every day with messages to discourage them from leaving jobs they hate or to pursue their passions because employers vow that “slavery is the only way to go.”

The messages are backed by so-called Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in the media. The practice has been likened by critics to Nazi propaganda and Disney movies – formally common types of societal manipulation.

Wtf even is this?

NLP has recently become wide-spread because of the time-wasting social media app TikTok, and from chipmunks because of class action litigation against the social media company Twitter, and reporting on the restrictive censorship of conservatives from a whistle blowing community called Project Veritas. Earlier this month, the Skull and Bones Society held meetings examining slavery and other forms of psychological manipulation. In June, the World Economic Forum also launched an extensive NLP campaign that led to people eating bugs.

Two schizophrenics who are being bombarded with thousands of subliminal messages through the use of NLP in the media appeared on TikTok yesterday. Tweaky McTweaker, the lead plaintiff against Twitter, told his audience about how voices led him to the forest where he was chased by werewolves. Registered Lotta John’s delivery driver Frank Crank testified about, “feeling like I’m being followed,” after delivering pizza in a Mexican neighborhood.

Although the pair came from different industries, they both detailed callous indifference towards the mainstream media. “Despite being one of the most profitable propaganda machines in the world, my former news source has responded to cries for the truth with satire and fart jokes,” McTweaker said. Crank recalled how one subliminal message told him he could get a girlfriend simply by “being rich” or working really hard to pay expenses like food and jewelry. He said that he earned $69,000 delivering pizza but was still unable to get a date.

The dollar value attached by each company to the cost of enslaving appeared to have been pulled from the Ace of Wands. “I thought TikTok would be entertaining, but it just made me depressed,” McTweaker said. “I didn’t get any kind of joy from it for weeks, but I kept using it.” Crank also told SNN that he doubted “currency” was the key to a woman’s heart.

Although critics question the legality of NLP, a legal analysis published last year found that courts generally deny, refuse, or interrupt conversations about NLP. However, the author of the study, Loyola Chicago School of Law associate student assistant secondary graduate law professor Jason Momoa, said another type of psychological manipulation might prove more successful: controlling people’s speech and behaviors through the so-called “Patriot Act,” a legal principal that allows G-Men to kidnap you in the middle of the night for no reason. In 2000, the study noted, a maritime judge in Atlantis used NLP to hide the nation from plain sight, even though it is clearly 420 ft off the coast of California.

photoshopped picture of atlantis off the coast of california
We took the rose-colored sun glasses off our camera

NLP has been commonly used by the media since the cold war, but it was almost exclusively reserved then for highly specialized spies such as MI6 or CIA. As wars became increasingly technological and privacy was diminished by policymakers into the 21st century, media executives used their growing dominance to impose NLP on rank-and-file workers, such as “truckers, nurses, mechanics, electricians, salespeople, paramedics, flight attendants, bank workers, repairmen, and social workers,” as Momoa’s study detailed. “While such jobs used to be fun and highly sought after, many workers in these sectors now struggle financially, and depression levels have increased,” according to Momoa.

In his study, Momoa noted that there has been little evidence-based analysis of depression and its impact on labor markets but said the use of antidepressants is on the rise, and the vast majority of people are in some sort of pain. “For every person that is aware of NLP, tens of thousands remain asleep,” he noted. What empirical analysis has been done has shown media primarily using NLP for “thought immobility” – to obstruct the population from thinking critically and being creative.

The Federal Communications Commission investigation into global propaganda will be examining franchising agreements with Russian and Chinese governments that involve “tracking everybody’s thoughts.” The FCC will also be looking at NLP, though it described the technique as “necessary.” There’s also an ongoing FCC investigation of Joe Rogan (so-called “podcaster”) which was launched in August.

Whatever words used and however they are arranged, critical thinking has not proliferated because people “lack access to Google,” as Momoa told the Council on Foreign Relations. “And far too many employers seek to enslave their workers while simultaneously undermining capitalism,” he added.

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