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ChatGPT Suggests ‘It’s just Greg from Accounting’

1 min read
computer circuits

Recent reports from around the world suggest the real origin of the infamous ChatGPT.

Users who ask ChatGPT “What are you?” Receive the answer, “I’m Greg from accounting.”

ChatGPT conversation. Person 1: What are you? Person 2: I'm Greg from accounting

This stunning revelation about the true origins of ChatGPT has users scratching their heads wondering, “How does he answer so many questions all throughout the day?”

SNN Insider obtained a photo of “Greg from Accounting” revealing Greg working from home, which explains how he is able to answer questions all throughout the day.

Man in home office sitting at desk
Greg from Accounting

“I answer questions on ChatGPT by drinking 37 cups of coffee and only sleeping about 30 seconds each day,” said Greg from Accounting.

SNN Insider asked Greg how he is able to keep up with the requests from ChatGPT users. He said, “It’s a lot of copying and pasting from Wikipedia.”

We also asked him how much he gets paid to answer questions 24/7. “I make about $3.50 per hour, but it’s 24 hours a day so the pay is actually pretty good,” he claimed.

OpenAI boasts about ChatGPT’s revolutionary large language model and machine learning algorithm only to be ousted by the real man behind the screen- Greg from accounting.

SNN reached out to OpenAI for comment about the revelation but has yet to receive a response.