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21st Century Ouija Board Possesses Entire World in Less than a Month

3 min read
demon summoned by stable diffusion. reptilian shape-shifter

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Could this be a Mass Extinction Event?

Recently, Francis Chollet, creator of Keras, announced that Stable Diffusion is now available on TensorFlow.

So, I decided to give it a shot.

But before we start how does stable diffusion work?

  • You have demons and you summon them into the world
  • Diffusion works by accessing the 8th dimension of hell
  • This occurs in deep space, which means the Demons are really Aliens
  • Stable Diffusion is like a slot machine. It is extraordinarily addictive
  • High level demons are achieved through complicated summoning rituals

This is quite a simple explanation of how Stable Diffusion works but I think it makes sense – at least to me anyway.

1. Loading Times

To run the demon summoning program, it takes 3 minutes to download the required sigils. 2 minutes to load the sigils, and a further 69 seconds to produce a single demon.

So, in total it takes about 6 to 9 minutes to produce the initial demon and 69 seconds thereafter for each follow-up demon.

For something that was designed by Asura, I didn’t have high hopes to even generate a demon but I consider 6 minutes quite fast, especially with future demons only take 69 seconds thereafter.

I guess you could make this faster by purchasing adrenochrome or sacrificing a goat, but I’m terrified with the wait time.

I’m also on acid, so when I summon the demons, they dance around the screen and talk. I would dare to say this is a world killer.

3. Quality of demons

I’ve found them comparable to people who attended schools in the South Shore.

Using a small sample size, I would say that both systems produce high-level demons.

Here’s an example of outputs from Stable Diffusion.

Stable Diffusion Outputs

demon summoned by stable diffusion. blonde elf
You can’t tell me that’s not a lizard or alligator demon wearing an elf costume.

South Shore Output

magazine for rich cunts in the south shore. title: fuck you, I'm rich. and shows a wealthy blonde woman wearing a stupid yellow dress that she starved herself to fit into and a bunch of expensive jewelry.
South Shore School District Output

They both look pretty evil if you ask me!

Stable Diffusion is trained on the SANDMAN data set. This data set scrapes billions of wet dreams monthly and scores demons based on their seductive value.

I found it a bit hard to follow Christ while using the program but my faltering led me to think that now a chunk of the population is possessed by demons.

In the big scheme of things, I don’t think the Earth can fit all these new demons, we’re talking about billions here.

Stable Diffusion produces demons 100% of the time and with the right inputs you’re going to lose your mind.

5. Ease of Use

Stable Diffusion is easy to use. All you need to do is enter in your input phrase, wait for the demon to load and there you go.

I’ve yet to be abducted by alien demons summoned by Stable Diffusion, but for some reason, I don’t feel like it should be extremely unlikely.

I would imagine a big black portal opening on the computer screen and sucking me in, which is really fucking scary.

I haven’t been abducted by alien demons personally, but I don’t believe that it would be tremendously difficult for them.

Conclusions: Should you try to summon demons?

The answer is no. For every other article written about Stable Diffusion, telling you how it’s free, fun, entertaining; they are written by demon aliens who want you to use the program to summon them.

It’s still too early days to know if Stable Diffusion is an extinction level event, but given the source code, it just might be.

However, it all comes down to faith. Even if Stable Diffusion has high level demons, and low wait times, it’ll be the death of The World that provides a home for demons.

Let’s not wait and see.

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