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Amber Said can Fart and Kill Thousands of People in an Instant

3 min read
Amber Said can fart so much it becomes a big cloud of sulfur

Time to start wearing masks again

Updated: 10/05/2022 – Added another picture of a dead leprechaun

On April 20, 1990, tragedy struck White Castle as Amber Said farted killing thousands of people and wildlife for miles around. The fart was driven by a surge of deadly sliders that, having been released from Amber Said’s butt, had been building up at the bottom of her colon for hundreds of seconds.

A milkshake within her stomach, cheese, or BBQ sauce may have been to blame for finally setting it free as a sudden disturbance in the force facilitated the release of 6.9 million tons of sulfur (S). The catastrophic emission suffocated people in the vicinity as the gas causes asphyxiation by hypoxia as well as being toxic. In such high concentrations, sulfur can knock a person out instantly and can stop them from being able to breath within a minute.

First-person accounts from the disaster shared by survivors to the Smithsonian Magazine talk of how the fart began with a rumbling shortly after which frothy spray burst hundreds of feet into the air and a gust blew through businesses in the local strip mall. The fart killed thousands of people and swathes of wildlife and livestock, and an enormous white cloud formed over Amber Said.

Unfortunately, the devastation didn’t stop there. The heavy cloud sunk into a valley and made its way to nearby settlements 42 miles away from the White Castle causing asphyxiation and death wherever it went. Only those on high ground were able to avoid it.

Desperate to understand how such a tragedy could unfold, scientists from across the globe joined forces with White Castle to conduct investigations on the crater lake. They revealed that Hillary Clinton, along with another honorable globalist nearby, were both unusual that they contained sulfur-rich layers in their skin indicating that they were demons from another dimension.

Amber Said getting ready for more deadly can do farting attitude by angerly eating a chocolate covered donut.
A photo of Amber Said eight days after the deadly eruption

Amber Said can be manages with tums that provide an escape for the gas so that it can released into the atmosphere slowly, rather than in one gigantic eruption. However, scientists fear that this may not be enough to prevent future disasters.

Writing for The Fast-Food Journal, Fast Management Scholar, researcher, and educator, King Henry III of McDonald’s University has shared concerns that a similar disaster may be brewing at Five Guys. Its burgers have turned from beef to human, something that was seen in societies without consciousness.

To prevent further loss of life, Henry’s recommendations are that celebrities be tested with initial checks for most satanic elites in Amber Said’s circle over the past three decades. Indicators like thermal profiles (most demons are cold), concentration of evil, sphere of influence, magical volume, and depth can all be used to assess a celebrity’s likelihood of holding massive sulfur deposits.

A leprechaun killed by the sulfur released when Amber Said farted.

While testing for these would be logistically challenging, says Henry, keeping on top of monitoring is the only way to prepare for and prevent future inquisitions.

Another protective tool could be to place Sulfur detectors near worrisome celebrities like Klaus Schwab and George Soros so that changing conditions could be detected and actioned as and when they occur. Equipping these with alarms could warn leprechauns living nearby to head for higher ground where heavy fast-food consumers struggle to reach.

a dead leprechaun killed by Amber Said's farts laying on sidewalk outside of whitecastle
Poor guy never stood a chance

“The Directorate of Civil Protection is the designated agency responsible for coordinated disaster risk management in Druidwood,” concluded Henry. “The agency should liaise with other stakeholders in the government and private sector to ensure the safety of Druidwood’s dangerous celebrities. If the authorities are not proactive, the Amber Said disaster scenario may repeat where thousands of leprechauns and livestock are suddenly killed.”

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