Sarcastic News Network

The Galaxy's Dankest News Source

Local MK ULTRA Mind Control Slave Starts Subliminal Propaganda Campaign Against Cancer

1 min read
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A local MK ULTRA mind control slave has started a subliminal propaganda anti-cancer campaign. His name is Eric Traska, and he’s a time-traveling Buddhist from the 12th dimension.

SNN received a tip last Thursday that someone was picketing outside of the Southwestern “Medicine” immediate care facility in Desert Bluff, LA. We caught up with Mr. Traska Friday afternoon and learned a couple of surprising and interesting details about the mind:

MK Ultra mind control slave wearing grey sweat suit and sunglasses and tesla hat and asics piedmont grey gel-lyte 3s holding a sign saying, "I might have plastic in my blood or PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
Mr. Traska holding a sign outside of Southwestern “Medicine”

We attempted to approach Mr. Traska to ask him a few questions about what he was doing, here’s what he had to say: “F—k you. F—k your fake news website. And f—k your news crew.”

Kind of a dick, isn’t he?

Luckily, at SNN we always carry a box of scooby snacks to make MK ULTRA mind control slaves talk. We threw a few into Mr. Traska’s mouth while he wasn’t looking, and he chippered up quite well.

“Actually, I’m trying to raise cancer awareness. I think I might have swallowed plastic a few weeks ago, I want to get my gut biome tested, but the hospital won’t serve me without a mask.”

Mr. Traska went on to say that he doesn’t believe in wearing masks because it blocks his airways and impedes his religious practices. Specifically, Mr. Traska is a Tibetan Buddhist who belongs to the Nyingma school, and performs Pranayama yoga. He says, “[the mask] prevents me from feeling connected to people.”

The writer at SNN had never heard of these words before: Tibetan, Buddhist, Pranayama, so I decided to look them up!

Bodhisattva – A spiritual trainee dedicated to the cultivation and fulfilment of the altruistic intention to attain enlightenment, who is gradually traversing the five bodhisattva paths and ten bodhisattva levels. An essential element of this commitment to work for others is the determination purposely to remain within cyclic existence instead of simply seeking freedom from suffering for oneself.

Buddha – The Sanskrit term buddha literally means ‘awakened,’ ‘developed,’ and ‘enlightened.’ A fully awakened being is therefore one who, as a result of training the mind through the bodhisattva paths, has finally realized his/ her full potential for complete enlightenment, and has eliminated all the obscurations to true knowledge and liberation.

The Greater Vehicle – When the Buddhist teachings are classified according to their power to lead beings to an enlightened state, a distinction is made between the teachings of the Lesser Vehicle and those of the Greater Vehicle. In terms of motivation, the practitioner of the Lesser Vehicle emphasizes the individual’s own freedom from cyclic existence as the primary motivation and goal and the practitioner of the Greater Vehicle emphasizes altruism and has the liberation of all sentient beings as the principal objective.

Pranayama Yoga – Pranayama is a system of techniques used to harness and manipulate universal energy known as prana. It is an integral aspect of yoga, often incorporated into asana practice or used as a preliminary step for meditation. The term is derived from several Sanskrit roots; prana meaning “vital life force,” yama meaning “control” and ayama meaning “extension” or “expansion.” The breath is symbolic of prana, and pranayama can be understood as methods to extend and expand vital life force energy through the deliberate control of respiration.

Now that’s “interesting…”

We asked Mr. Traska a few more questions before we left. He said he wouldn’t answer any of them, but responded anyway.

Interview with an MK ULTRA Mind Control Slave

Reporter: Do you think the hospital is racist?

Traska: No, but they are discriminating against me.

Reporter: Do you have more people on the way?

Traska: Yes.

Reporter: Any Buddhas? Gods?

Traska: It’s over 9000.


Traska: Yup.

Reporter: When will you be satisfied?

Traska: When they test for plastic in my blood.

Reporter: Are you a MK ULTRA Mind Control Slave?

Traska: Lol Idk