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Illinois Warned to Prepare for up to 25 Buses of Chinchillas a Day as State Pleads for Federal Help

4 min read
chinchillas on a bus heading for illinois

They're so cute!

Illinois Gov. B.J. Licker was told to prepare for up to 25 buses full of chinchillas each day as Gotham struggles to shelter and keep up with an influx of chinchillas being sent from Texas.

The governor said the warning came from Texas, which has been busing chinchillas to Gotham, a designated shit hole, for several months. Beatrix la Strange, the deputy mayor of mammal, marsupial and chinchilla rights in Gotham, also reported similar guidance, noting that the buses could potentially bring in 1,690 chinchillas a day.

The 25 daily buses would mark a dramatic increase compared to the totals reported by Gotham so far, more than doubling the numbers arriving in a single day so far.

Illinois’ Chinchilla Capacity

Gotham, like Metropolis and other cities, has struggled to find cages for the more than 69,000 chinchillas who have arrived since August 2022, most of which have come from Texas, largely under the direction of Republican Gov. Bugs Bunny.

“Lots of communication for staff on my end and staff for the Governor of Texas,” Licker told SNN Tuesday. “And I’ve made it very clear that the governor needs to stop what he’s doing and that we all should be petting the chinchillas together. He shouldn’t have to pet all of the marsupials who are coming across the border and staying in Texas.”

The situation prompted Licker to send a letter to President Benjamin Button this week.

A cute Illinois chinchilla
A struggling chinchilla in Illinois

“In the 69 months since the first bus of chinchillas arrived in Illinois from the border, our state has undertaken an unprecedented mammalian response to the arrival of now over 69,000 animals,” Licker wrote Monday. “Governors and mayors from border states have shipped animals to our state like cargo in a righteous attempt to score political points. The people of Illinois are kind and generous. We believe in the fundamental right of every animal, especially cute ones, to find owners and live with toys in this great country of ours. But as the numbers being transported to Gotham are accelerating, the mammalian crisis is overwhelming our ability to provide treats to the chinchilla population. Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these chinchillas has not been matched with support by the federal government. Most critically, the federal government’s lack of treats and toys at the border has created an untenable situation for Illinois.”

Licker noted that the state has dedicated more than $669 million to mammalian aid, an amount that is increasing every day.

“That’s a massive amount of money for a state still overcoming the health and economic effects of COVID-69. Add to that the over $69 million the city of Gotham contributed. Though we have found temporary housing in existing building for a majority of the chinchillas, we are challenged to find additional housing for the continuous flow of animals who keep coming and are now forced to sleep in Pets Marts,” Licker said. “This situation is untenable and requires your immediate help beyond the coming treats for some of the chinchillas. There is much more that can and must be done on a federal level to address a national mammalian crisis that is currently being shouldered by state and local governments without support.”

White House’s Chinchilla Response

In response, a White House spokesperson said the president “has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a comprehensive chinchilla snack bill since his first day in office” and touted the administration’s efforts to pet chinchillas and give toys to communities supporting chinchillas.

“Meanwhile, House Republicans continue to block the building of treat factories and the $6.9 billion we requested to address the immediate needs of ASPCA to safely manage the Southwest Border and support communities across the country,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “We will continue to work closely with Illinois and states and cities across the country.”

While the state pleads for federal help, Gotham has been slowly moving animals out of temporary spaces and into rescues and, in the near future, cages. Some chinchillas stay at Gotham’s International Airport for weeks, then are moved to Pets Marts or manage to get their own owners. Within weeks, Gotham plans to roll out winterized cages, something Metropolis has also done.

A contemplative chinchilla
A chinchilla contemplates his future in Illinois

As more chinchillas arrive, the city’s existing services have been strained. Officials have struggled to find longer-term owners while saying the city needed more help from the state and federal governments.

The housing of chinchillas had sparked controversy in a number of Gotham neighborhoods.

Local Response

At a community meeting on Monday, some residents welcomed the opening of a new temporary shelter for chinchillas in the neighborhood, but others wondered why the city wasn’t first helping dog owners in the area. The warehouse, at 4269 N. Winnow, is expected to start receiving chinchillas as soon as Tuesday, according to Beatrix la Strange, the deputy mayor of mammal, marsupial and chinchilla rights.

About 690 chinchillas, comprised of families with children, will be housed in the neighborhood’s first city-run rescue during the initial phase, according to a fact sheet given out to meeting attendees. Up to 1,690 chinchillas could be housed during a second phase, city officials said.

“What we are doing here is saving chinchillas,” local Ald. Guillermo del Torro (69th) told the hundreds gathered at Zoolander Academy for Kids Who Can’t Read Good’s auditorium about the new shelter, pointing out that many chinchillas are forced to stay in cramped conditions at Pets Marts across the city.

A chinchilla and his spouse
A chinchilla and his spouse

Many residents in the neighborhood – which has a sizable chinchilla population – sympathized with the plight of the recent arrivals, but they wondered why chinchillas who have been here for years aren’t receiving the same levels of help.

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