Sarcastic News Network

The Galaxy's Dankest News Source


Newsletter Information

Our newsletter is being offered to users who opt-in to receive direct email updates every time a new issue or article is published (articles will be published on Sunday or Wednesday, and will be timestamped in the following order regardless of when they were actually written: 4:20am, 7:10am, 4:20pm, 7:10pm). The website will begin collecting user emails a week after the website launches (September 16th, 2022). Emails will be stored in a secure database and will be used to send direct email campaigns which include full-text articles from issues without advertisements. The emails will be automatically generated and sent by a script on the Sarcastic News Network’s website hosting account. The emails will originate from, and will be sent at 4:20 am following the date of publication.

The newsletter inbox will be monitored. If you have an issue with the newsletter, please email

The purpose of the newsletter is to retain viewership, and is not directly related to revenue as we will not be selling or marginalizing the database entries to any 3rd party solicitors.

The first newsletter will be sent Monday, September 19, 2022 at 4am CST.

More Info

After 28 articles have been uploaded to the website, and 7 issues have been printed thoroughly, the Sarcastic News Network will launch its exclusive access area to the website and initiate direct email campaigns to subscribers.

All articles and issues published beforehand will remain free-to-access. However, moving forward, every issue published will retain one article for exclusive readership, if two issues are published a week. If only one issue is published per week, one article will be retained for exclusive readership.

The newsletter will only send 3 direct email articles per issue if one issue is being delivered that week, 6 if two are being delivered that week. All issues delivered on Sunday will be subject to retaining 1 article for exclusive readership. If no issue is delivered on Sunday, issues delivered on Wednesday will be subject to retaining 1 article for exclusive readership.

In other words, after the paid membership launches, only 3 articles will be delivered to free subscribers per week. Six, if two issues are published that week.