Sarcastic News Network

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Surgeons Perform World’s First Successful Brain Transplant

2 min read
3d render of brain

Unexpected results followed the procedure

For the first time ever, surgeons have performed a brain transplant for a Minnesota man who suffered non-survivable head trauma at an Antifa rally.

The patient, 28-year-old Timothy Anderson of St. Paul, seemed confused after waking up, appearing to have a different perspective of life after the transplant. “I opened the gallery on my phone after the surgery and saw multiple pictures of myself wearing dark clothing. I was wearing a face mask while driving alone in the car. There was a woman in some of the pictures with blue hair which I presumed to be my girlfriend,” Smith said.

Anderson spends his renewed days driving out to the country fishing and longing for a traditional lifestyle. His friends and family believe he is acting out of character.

“Tim and I used to rally against capitalism and the patriarchy,” said his friend Brandon from Minneapolis. “But now, all he wants to do is mind his own business and start a family,” he continued. Anderson’s mother seemed to welcome the change saying, “I never liked that blue haired girl.”

Sources from the hospital where the 42-hour-long surgery occurred indicated that the donor brain was from a right-wing evangelical Christian. This explained the sudden change in Anderson’s behavior and urge to seek a meaningful life.

Anderson hopes to surmount the embarrassment of being a leftist by bringing meaning into other people’s lives. He’s taking advantage of his brain transplant by training to become a pastor at his local church.