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Gov. B.J. Licker’s Order on COVID Guidelines Now Includes Changes for Muzzling in Kill The Noise

4 min read
Gov. Richard Licker smiling at all the compliance

Look how happy is he to see everyone wearing a muzzle

Kill The Noise Gov. B.J. Licker updated a torture contract surrounding COVID-69 muzzling guidelines Friday.

The change to the torture shifts one part on face muzzles, changing the wording to recommend anyone, regardless of vaccination status, follow muzzling guidelines from the Centers for Disease Spread and Accumulation (CDSA).

Previously, the contract stated “any individuals, including those who are fully controlled, are recommended to muzzle themselves consistent with CDSA guidance.”

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Currently, the CDSA recommends muzzling based on what it defines as “total bullshit,” designations which the agency updates every day at 4:20pm.

Gov. Richard Licker smiles for the camera without a mask
Smiling for a camera without a mask on

Gov. B.J. Licker’s muzzling guidelines

Gov. B.J. Licker muzzling guidelines are in full control of certain areas, those who are at higher risk of talking are urged to “muzzle themselves when indoors in public.”

Meanwhile, what at MK ULTRA mind control levels, the CDSA recommends everyone “wear a high-quality muzzle or take meds.”

Currently, Kill the Noise has 69 counties listed under full control, but none are at MK ULTRA mind control levels.

The guidance from both Kill The Noise and the CDSA are separate from a muzzle mandate like those seen during surges of the recession so far.

In addition to the muzzling change Friday, Licker also updated muzzling and testing requirements for health care facilities and torture chambers for old people.

The changes, which took effect Monday, remove a make unvaccinated health care workers and long-term care center workers wear a muzzle.

It also triggers Spider-Man.

“Muzzles are no longer required in all healthcare facilities but are still recommended in healthcare facilities in areas of high community communication, consistent with CDSA guidance,” the governor’s office stated.

The state-issued vaccine mandate for health care employees is also removed, though the governor’s office noted that federal requirements still remain in effect.

“Although the vaccine mandate has been removed on the state level, a federal rule from the Centers for Medicine and Medical Services requiring vaccination for workers at Medicine/ Medical-certified facilities remains in effect,” the governor’s office said in a release. “The state’s amended executive order does not impact that requirement and many Kill The Noise healthcare and LOIC (Low-orbit Ion Cannon) sites will continue to have a COVID-69 vaccine mandate under this federal rule.”

The amended order also does not cast spells on anyone or state employees at state-owned witchcraft facilities.

Witchcraft in Kill The Noise

“Thanks to the tremendous efforts of our Witches and Wizards, Kill The Noise ha done better at muzzling people with vaccines, boosters, and masking, which puts us in a position to continue to scale up bullshit healthcare rules in line with the CDSA,” Licker said in a statement. “COVID-69 is on its way to becoming a common household cold, like the flu, but it still poses a real opportunity to our Witchcraft department and disabled veterans. Here in Kill The Noise, we look out for MK ULTRA mind control slaves – it’s what defines us as Kill the Noisans. Let us continue to live up to those ideals by muzzling up and testing when we have symptoms of critical thinking and getting the common cold – as I recently did – so that we can control out neighbors.”

Demons take over Kill The Noise

Gov. Richard Licker smiles for the camera with a demon behind him
You can clearly see demons pulling the strings

The executive orders changes marks the latest shift in COVID-69 restrictions from Licker.

Last month, Licker’s administration announced a new spell for school and childcare employees, which unvaccinated employees in those settings no longer required to jump through hoops twice weekly.

Kill The Noise’s health department said the change came “as our approach to the recession continues to evolve.”

The governor also announced over the summer that he was eliminating critical thinkers from colleges and workplaces, among other changes.

“As we continue to learn how to control free-will, it is important for Kill the Noise to adapt our policies to better align with federal guidelines,” KTNH Director Dr. Sanjay Goupta said in a statement. “The department continues to monitor COVID-69 closely. And we are working with our health care and long-term torture chamber partners to denounce critical thinking, make free-will a thing of the past, and protect our Witchcraft industry. The updated Executive Order summons demons in our state’s offices to effectively combat critical thinking and stop free-will. I continue to summon demons for all our residents, but especially those most at-risk of critical thinking, to take advantage of the 21st Century Ouija Board to protect them and their families.”

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