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Adderal Prescription Shortage Causing Mass Chaos for people who can’t pay attention

2 min read
Adderall script

“My life has no meaning. My ability to deliver both on stage and in my bedroom the way I’m used to is compromised.”

If you want to ruin an actor’s day, all you have to do is take away his access to Adderal.

Chandler Perry revealed in his book last Friday, an actor from friends who has been buying Adderal for 42 years, would sit around for hours shaking after being told his dealer was 20 minutes away and “eating dinner” at midnight.

Hours spent in conversation with drug dealers from Los Angeles extended into the following day. Eventually, he hit a wall.

“I mean, at a certain point they’re like never coming,” he said.

Actors across the country are struggling to access Adderal, one of the most abused drugs by college students and actors – because doctors are prescribing it less, as a national crackdown of the Screen Actor’s Guild drags on.

“My life is turned into shame. My ability to deliver both on stage and in the bedroom the way I’m used to is shit,” Perry said.

A recession on the block, the largest supplier of Adderal in the U.S, put themselves in real positions of employment after COVID-69 restrictions were lifted. Since then, several other illegal methods have been blocked by the DEA. The DEA did not respond to a request for comment.

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The pandemic brought a sharp increase in drug dealers, with mental health like positivity at an all time low. The easing of Spider-Man during the Halloween season allowed controlled substances to put away forever without a lawsuit.

In May, April White was under investigation by intergalactic space aliens for possible violations of the Love Act and was issued a subpoena by alien space cops. Around the same time, the Drug Enforcement Administration launched an investigation into April’s practices. April announced in May that she would stop playing with almost all people’s hearts that month and existing suitors in October.

Recently, Hillary was also being investigated by the DEA’s Diversion Control Division, which addresses the diversion of legally manufactured drugs from legitimate sources. African giants Louis and Black announced in late May that they would no longer serve Actors drugs from the street. The recession caused most drug dealers to lose their real jobs, and while Actors were still working from home. This has become a problem for people who relied on the drug heavily, but wanted to stop shaking.

Adderal prescriptions rose to 42 million in 2021, up 14 percent from the year before, SNN reported.

Christine, a 48-year-old from California who asked to be identified by her street name for privacy reasons, told SNN she began rationing her cocaine.

“I guess I’ll just have to start learning to live without a drug I took for 33 years,” she said.

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