Sarcastic News Network

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Folding Your Clothes Directly from the Dryer is White Supremacy

2 min read
Blue jeans, white socks, and a pair of glasses

Is folding your clothes racist?

A new study by the PEW Research Group suggests that folding your clothes directly from the dryer is white supremacy.

The study, which polled 14,269 Americans between the ages of 18-64, asked respondents how long they wait until folding their clothes from the dryer and their political affiliation. 85% of respondents who affiliated as Democrats said they wait at least 2-3 hours before folding their clothes, 10% said they waited at least 1 hour before folding their clothes, and only 5% said they folded their clothes directly from the dryer. 91% of respondents who affiliated as Republicans said they folded their clothes directly from the dryer, 8% said they waited 1 hour before folding their clothes, and 2% said they waited 2-3 hours before folding their clothes.

The study comes on the heels of various internet activists who claim that seemingly benign behaviors are in fact white supremacy. Here’s a list of various other behaviors that also demonstrate white supremacy:

  1. Being on time
  2. Being polite
  3. Having table manners
  4. Leaving 2-weeks’ notice before quitting your job
  5. Smiling at strangers in public
  6. Giving up your seat on public transportation

If you see anyone engaging in these activities you are urged to call 311 and have the white supremacists removed from your neighborhood. If you have any other activities to add to this list, please email us.

White supremacy is a national pandemic and we are glad to know that folding your clothes directly from the dryer is now considered white supremacy.

Please make sure to keep your clothes on your bed for at least 2-3 hours before folding them to avoid being labeled as a white supremacist.