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Mark Zuckerberg’s Daily Routine: What the Meta CEO does Every Day

2 min read
mark zuckerberg daily routine

Mark Zuckerberg's daily routine

CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg’s daily routine involves censoring the masses and colonizing startups that pose a threat to his empire.

While the Facebook founder dedicates most of his time to censoring conservatives and squashing the competition, he also micro doses to commune with demons, harvests adrenochrome from local Hawaiians, and even uses his platform to instill monarch mind control.

Zukerberg also famously avoids detection by wearing non-threatening clothing. He wears the same outfit every day to appear like a cartoon character.

Catch a glimpse of the typical daily routine of a reptilian shapeshifter CEO:

After waking up about 5 a.m., the Meta CEO immediately scans the internet for conservatives to censor.

This session involves a DARPA controlled super computer that scans the entire internet in real-time to hamper conservative speech.

“The first thing I do is prick my index finger and apply it to the blood scanner on the DARPA super computer,” Zuckerberg said. “I don’t know why the computer requires blood to turn on, but it’s worth it to censor conservatives before the sun comes up.”

Once he’s strangled conservative speech, it’s time to commune with demons.

The average breakfast for the Meta CEO is a cup of coffee laced with a gram of psylocibin mushrooms and half a tab of acid.

“I like to gain insight from extra-dimensional beings,” he said. “They provide a blueprint for world domination that has never been attempted on this planet.”

Potential benefits of microdosing: Sharpened problem-solving skills, Improved mood and socialization, Reduced headaches/ migraines, Increased energy and creativity, Communication with extra-dimensional beings
It’s like opening the gates of hell!

Some of Zuckerberg’s favorite historical figures include Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and Alistair Crowley.

Zuckerberg said in 2016 that he put in 70-80 hours a week stalking native Hawaiians to harvest their blood.

“I spend most of my time thinking about how to capture and scare people then drink their blood,” he told SNN in 2016.

Adrenochrome is a life preserving compound that is created through the act of scaring people to death. Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the only celebrity or CEO that incorporates this into his daily routine. Tom Cruise, Hillary Clinton, and Lady Gaga have all admitted to using adrenochrome too.

Mark Zuckerberg facebook post: "Although many humans find participating in and observing sexual congress to be both pleasurable and fulfilling, I sometimes find it challenging to observe the subsequent removal of adrenochrome from the smaller participants, as illustrated in the photograph below. Ingesting the adrenochrome, however, is as enjoyable a human activity as any I have yet engaged in.
Mark Zuckerberg admits he consumes adrenochrome

Zuckerberg personally heads the Monarch Mind Control department at Meta

He works with the CIA and FBI to implant subliminal messages into news feeds of highly suggestable people.

Monarch Mind Control is a combination of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming which aims to radicalize people without their consent. It’s commonly used to push socialist, LGBT, and gun control agendas.

Collage of MK-Ultra Mind Control mass shooters
MK-Ultra mind control participants